Carson Hill Inventor
Carson Hill is an outstanding painter, renowned tattoo artist, photographer, scientist and inventor of a revolutionary tattoo machine. He has a rare combination of artistic talent in addition to a scientific brain. He has invented a tattoo machine called the Neuma that is very different from the ones that have been around for decades. It may be a challenge to convince established artists to try something so different from what their used to, but all you have to do is check out Carson Hill’s portfolio or that of Mike Devries who also prefers the Neuma over a traditional machine. Both artists are able to achieve very bright and strong colors in their body art. Is it the ink? A technique they have and could the machine be contributing to their quality body art? He’s now incorporated the business and recently is putting more time into promoting the Neuma. Wish him luck but I don’t think it’s needed. This looks like a winner.
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